trügerische Gedächtnis - trügerisches Ich

LED ticker
200 cm × 35 cm

The work is based on Julia Shaw's monograph The Deceptive Memory. How our brain falsifies memories. In it, she describes human identity, which is built on personal memories, but memories are flawed because false perceptions of reality are stored or are inadequate due to a lack of language. Memories can also be manipulated through conversations, photos and suggestive questions, and are very susceptible to falsehoods. According to Shaw, it is doubtful whether there are completely accurate memories at all. Moreover, false memories can even be implanted and massively distorted. (Cf. Shaw 2016, p. 15; 34; 82)The consequence of no longer being able to trust one's own memories is that one's own identity is a lie. How does this certainty feel? Words and sentences appear on the ticker in a kind of soliloquy in which doubts about one's own identity arise. Like thoughts, they flash up, are discarded, collapse, collide and go round in circles. It is no longer possible to decide what is truth and what is a lie. The work is accompanied by a silkscreen print on which the thought ellipses can be seen like a poem.

Photos: Elia Schmid